Roti bakar smoked beef, keju, scrambled egg & mayonaise. Keju mozarella, roti tawar, dan digoreng. Gak pake mikir moms, udah pasti enak banget. Roti Bakar Smoked Beef Mozarella, Favorit Banget!!!
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Toast is called roti bakar in Indonesia.
You can cook Roti bakar smoked beef, keju, scrambled egg & mayonaise using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Roti bakar smoked beef, keju, scrambled egg & mayonaise
- It's 3 slices of roti tawar.
- It's 1 slice of smoked beef.
- Prepare 1 slice of keju lembaran (saya suka Prochiz).
- It's 1 butir of telur ayam.
- It's 2 sdm of susu UHT.
- It's secukupnya of garam.
- Prepare sesuai selera of black pepper.
- You need sesuai selera of mayonaise.
- You need sesuai selera of saos tomat & saos sambal.
Roti is of course bread, but bakar is usually reserved for grilled food, and no one ever grill a bread right? But weird translation aside, this combination of sandwich is one of the most popular in Indonesia. Though I use hazelnut spread (such as Nutella), it is actually. Melt butter in a large heavy nonstick skillet over medium-low heat.
Roti bakar smoked beef, keju, scrambled egg & mayonaise instructions
- Siapkan scrambled eggnya dulu..
- Panggang smoked beefnya dengan mentega di atas wajan teflon..
- Keju lembaran ditaruh di atas roti tawar slice pertama dan disusul scrambled egg, kemudian ditaruh roti tawar slice kedua di atasnya..
- Di atas roti tawar slice kedua ditaruh smoked beef yg sudah dipanggang. Tambahi dengan saus mayonaise, kemudian ditutup dengan roti tawar slice ketiga..
- Bagian atas roti tawar diolesi dengan mentega, kemudian ditaruh di atas wajan teflon yg sudah dipanaskan. Tunggu sampai permukaan roti tawar jadi berwarna kecoklatan. Sementara.menunggu, permukaan roti tawar yg menghadap atas juga diolesi mentega, untuk pada gilirannya juga dipanggang sampai.kecoklatan..
- Proses selesai, roti dipotong jadi 2 bagian berbentuk segitiga dan diberi saos tomat dan saos sambal. Roti sandwich siap disantap bersama orangĀ² terkasih kita..
Add egg mixture and season with salt and pepper. Cook, occasionally scraping bottom of skillet with a heatproof spatula to form large, soft curds, until just. Remove from the heat and season with salt and pepper. Spoon over the scrambled eggs, place the smoked salmon on top and season with lots of black pepper. In a bowl whisk the eggs, curry powder.