Recipe: Tasty Grilled Beef with sauted broccoli topping

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Grilled Beef with sauted broccoli topping.

Grilled Beef with sauted broccoli topping You can cook Grilled Beef with sauted broccoli topping using 17 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Grilled Beef with sauted broccoli topping

  1. Prepare 300 gr of sliced beef saya pakai US premium.
  2. It's 1 sdt of Kecap Manis.
  3. It's 1 sdm of Olive oil.
  4. Prepare of Bawang putih 3 siung geprek.
  5. Prepare of Bahan marinasi.
  6. You need 3 sdm of Soy sauce kikoman.
  7. You need 1 sdm of Minyak wijen.
  8. It's 1 sdt of Rosemary.
  9. Prepare 1 sdm of Olive oil.
  10. You need 1 sdt of Black pepper.
  11. You need 1 sdt of Bawang putih cacah goreng.
  12. You need of Aduk2 hingga rata.
  13. You need of Sauted brokoli.
  14. It's potong of Brokoli Cuci bersih,.
  15. You need of Bawang bombay potong bulat.
  16. Prepare 2 sdm of Mentega.
  17. You need 1 sdt of Black pepper.

Grilled Beef with sauted broccoli topping step by step

  1. Masukkan bumbu marinasi ke slice beef yang sudah dicairkan (jika beku). Aduk2 hingga bumbu merata di daging. Diamkan 15 menit..
  2. Panaskan wajan yg tebal masukkan olive oil tunggu hingga panas, bawang putih geprek aduk hingga kecoklatan, masukkan daging yg sudah dimarinasi. Aduk2 hingga berubah warna Dan matang. Angkat, taruh di piring saji..
  3. Gunakan wajan yang sama, sisa lemak Dan oil biarkan, masukkan mentega. Mentega panas masukkan bawang putih dan brokoli, aduk-aduk tutup rapat hingga harum brokoli tercium, matikan kompor, angkat..
  4. Tuang diatas grilled Beef, sajikan..