Gado-Gado Surabaya.
You can cook Gado-Gado Surabaya using 14 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Gado-Gado Surabaya
- You need of Sayur²an:.
- It's of Selada.
- Prepare of Tauge.
- Prepare of Sawi putih,rajang.
- It's of Tomat.
- You need of Timun.
- It's of Kentang.
- Prepare of Bahan lain.
- Prepare of Lontong.
- Prepare of Tahu.
- Prepare of Telur ayam.
- You need of Kerupuk.
- It's of Bumbu Gado-gado(resep sdh dishare).
- It's of Sambal rebus.
Gado-Gado Surabaya step by step
- Kukus sawi putih dan tauge,cuci bersih sayuran yg lain.
- Kukus kentang dan rebus telur ayam.
- Goreng tahu setengah matang,goreng juga kerupuknya.
- Siapkan bumbu dan sambalnya.
- Tata semua bahan dipiring lalu siram dgn bumbu gado-gado. Sajikan bersama kerupuk/ emping mlinjo.