Beef slice ala yoshinoya. Resep beef bowl yoshinoya - request menu jutaan umat. Make delicious Yoshinoya Beef Bowl at home! Enjoy the savory and juicy sliced beef over steamed rice with this quick and easy recipe.
Produk asli dari Amerika sangat empuk cocok untuk di Panggang, ditumis, ataupun dijadikan shabu".
Willgoz mengklaim kalau rasanya bakal mirip banget sama aslinya.
Punya beef slice bingung dibikin apa, dan kebetulan aku dan suami paling suka beef teriyaki gitu jadi coba dibuat deh.
You can cook Beef slice ala yoshinoya using 10 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Beef slice ala yoshinoya
- You need 1/4 kg of beef slice USA.
- You need 1/2 of Bawang bombai.
- You need 4 siung of bawang putih.
- Prepare of Cabe merah besar, iris panjang buang biji nya.
- You need of Brokoli, rendam air garam sebentar, rebus lalu siram air dingin biar tetap segar.
- It's 1 sdm of saos tiram.
- It's 2 sdm of kecap asin.
- Prepare 2 sdm of kecap manis.
- It's 1 sdt of minya wijen.
- Prepare of Rosemary.
Short Plate Beef Slice atau Daging ala Yoshinoya. I love this one, so easy, quick and cheaappp. secara kalau beli daging beginian di resto. Gyudon is a simple Japanese meal of beef simmered in soy sauce and served on rice at chains like Yoshinoya. At places like Yoshinoya you can buy a bowl of gyudon in Japan for as little as two dollars, but made at home this recipe is cheap to make and nearly foolproof.
Beef slice ala yoshinoya step by step
- Tumis bawang putih hingga harum, masukkan bawang bombay dan irisan cabai.
- Masukkan daging slice, lalu kecap asin, minyak wijen, saos tiram dan kecap manis, oseng terus hingga matang rata, saya gunakan jepit silicon supaya gampang.
- Masukkan brokoli, cek rasa, taburi rosemary supaya lebih wangi,, siap disajikan 💕.
Add beef in the pan and simmer for a few minutes. Serve hot steamed rice in a deep rice bowl. Put the beef topping on the top of rice. Place some benishoga (red ginger) on the top if you would like. Tip: to slice beef or chicken thin, place into the freezer until nearly frozen, then cut.