Sop Buntut simple 🤍. Bismilah Assalamualaikum wrwb Welcome back to my channel Video kali ini aku buat masakan SOP BUNTUT KORNET yg SIMPLE enak dan LUMER dimulut. Didihkan air matang, masukkan buntut yg tadi kita rebus, cengkeh, kayu manis, bunga lawang dan kapulaga. presto panci nya sampai tombol panci naik. Indonesian famous sop buntut (oxtail soup) that tastes as good as the one you find in some of the best Indonesian restaurants.
Buntut in Indonesian language means Tail, hence the name just like in English…Sop Buntut.
This was a popular street food that has made its way to restaurant menu.
I love the tenderness of the oxtail after being cooked for such long hours and the spice-rich tasting soup.
You can cook Sop Buntut simple 🤍 using 16 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Sop Buntut simple 🤍
- You need of Oxtail buntut 1 pack (1kg kurang).
- Prepare of Daun bawang seledri.
- It's of Bawang goreng.
- Prepare of tomat.
- It's of kentang.
- Prepare of wortel.
- You need of air.
- It's of BAHAN BUMBU :.
- Prepare of Bawang putih (cincang kasar).
- It's of Bawang bombay 1/2 buah (iris kasar).
- It's 1 sdm of Lada bubuk.
- Prepare 4 buah of Kapulaga.
- You need Bunga of lawang 4 buah.
- It's Biji of pala bubuk 1 sdt.
- It's 2 buah of Kayumanis.
- You need of penyedap.
Restoran Bang Hadji " EAST AND WEST FOOD" Membuka peluang usaha syari'ah bagi semua. SOP refer to instructions normally written ones that are intended to document how to perform a certain activity. The key reasons why many companies or organization rely on sop is to help them in guaranteeing that consistency and a certain quality of some products or. Most relevant Best selling Latest uploads.
Sop Buntut simple 🤍 step by step
- Masak simple tinggal cemplung2 aja. oxtail aku rebus terlebih dahulu karna gak pake presto hehee. buang air rebusan pertama, ganti air yg baru lalu rebus kembali sampai empuk..
- Tumis bawang putih sampai kecoklatan, lalu bombay & pala bubuk beserta bumbu lainnya. setelah harum masukan air (aku pake stgh panci sedang) sampai mendidih..
- Masukan oxtail yg sudah direbus td, berikut wortel & kentangnya. lalu beri penyedap, test rasa.
- Sop siap disajikan & plating yg cantik hehee.
Beefl soup in cooking pot, close-up. Clear oxtail soup on leaf background, black background. Selain mengasah keterampilan memasak, kamu juga bisa merasakan kepuasan setelah bisa menghadirkan sop buntut spesial yang enak ini di rumah. Ikuti terus resep sop buntut spesial rekomendasi Mamikos ini, ya. Sop yang dibuat dari bahan utama buntut sapi ini termasuk salah satu masakan Indonesia yang cukup populer.