Mie Goreng Simpel. TTF Mie Goreng Font is lovely cute multipurpose handmade font, suitable for many project children book, quotes, logo heading title etc. Masak mie goreng dengan bahan seada nya. Mie goreng (Indonesian: mie goreng or mi goreng; Malay: mee goreng or mi goreng; both meaning "fried noodles"), also known as bakmi goreng, is an often spicy fried noodle dish.
Mee Goreng (sometimes spelled mi goreng) is super simple to make at home.
All you need are instant noodles (don't worry about the flavour sachet, you can save that for another time) and a handful of.
Mie goreng is worldwide known Indonesian stir-fried noodles.
You can have Mie Goreng Simpel using 22 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Mie Goreng Simpel
- It's 1/2 bungkus of Mie kering.
- You need 1 bh of pakcoi/sawi (potong kasar).
- Prepare 1 genggam of kol iris kasar.
- You need 1 btr of telur.
- It's 1/2 gelas of Air putih.
- Prepare of Bumbu tumis :.
- Prepare 2 siung of bawang putih.
- Prepare 1 btng of daun bawang.
- Prepare 3 of cabe rawit merah (tambah jika suka Pedas).
- You need 2 sdm of Minyak goreng.
- You need of Bumbu Saus (campur semua) :.
- It's 1 sdt of minyak wijen.
- You need 2 sdt of saos tiram.
- You need 2 sdt of kecap asin.
- It's 2 sdm of kecap manis.
- You need 1 sdt of minyak ikan.
- You need 2 sdt of saos sambal.
- You need of Toping.
- You need of Bawang goreng.
- You need Irisan of timun.
- It's of Daun seledri.
- Prepare of Daun bawang.
It is savory, sweet, spicy and incredibly satisfying! It's easier than making pasta with pre-made pasta sauce, trust me! Inilah resep dan cara membuat mie goreng spesial ala rumahan yang sederhana serta rasanya Kemudian dibentuk dan direbus hingga menjadi mie basah. Mie goreng, juga dikenal sebagai bakmi goreng, adalah hidangan mie goreng flavourful dan pedas yang biasa ada di indonesia, malaysia, brunei darussalam.
Mie Goreng Simpel step by step
- Siapkan semua bahan. Potong sayuran, campurkan jadi satu semua bumbu saus aduk rata dan iris semua bumbu tumis..
- Didihkan air beri minyak goreng sedikit, masak mie kering sebentar lalu tiriskan.
- Panaskan wajan beri minyak dan tumis bumbu sampai harum, masukkan telur dan di aduk rata.
- Tambahkan 1/2 gelas air (bisa di tambahkan jika mau ada kuah /nyemek) masukkan bumbu saus nya biarkan sampai mendidih..
- Masukkan sayuran aduk rata sampai setengah matang, masukan mie masak sampai matang dan tes rasa..
- Siap di sajikan 💕.
Here is my mie goreng (Indonesian Fried Noodles) recipe. Please take note that this is a very simple version of this iconic Indonesian dish. It fits my busy schedules and doesn't compromise on the taste. Lihat juga resep Mie Goreng Favorit enak lainnya! This quick and easy Indonesian mie goreng recipe with noodles is a super simple vegetarian Asain noodles recipe.