Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Iga Sapi Bakar

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Iga Sapi Bakar.

Iga Sapi Bakar You can cook Iga Sapi Bakar using 20 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Iga Sapi Bakar

  1. It's 500 gr of iga sapi.
  2. Prepare of Bumbu2nya.
  3. It's 3 sdm of Kecap manis.
  4. You need 1 butir of Kemiri.
  5. Prepare 2 siung of Bamer.
  6. Prepare 2 siung of Baput.
  7. You need of Merica bubuk sepucuk sdm.
  8. Prepare seruas of Jahe.
  9. It's 1 sdm of Garam.
  10. It's of Gula merah 1 tabung.
  11. You need 5 butir of cengkeh.
  12. It's Sebatang of kayu manis.
  13. It's 1 sdt of Kaldu bubuk.
  14. Prepare of Bumbu Olesan.
  15. Prepare 1 sdt of Blueband.
  16. You need 1 sdm of Kecap manis.
  17. You need of Sambal kecap.
  18. You need 4 sdm of Kecap.
  19. It's 3 bh of cabe.
  20. Prepare 1/2 bh of tomat.

Iga Sapi Bakar instructions

  1. Haluskan duo bawang, kemiri, jahe dan cuci bersih iga sapi..
  2. Masukkan bumbu halus ke dalam panci berisi iga sapi, tambahkan cengkeh, kecap manis, kayu manis, gula merah, garam, kaldu bubuk. Rebus hingga empuk. Saya pakai panci presto kurleb 30menit..
  3. Setelah 30 menit, siapkan bumbu olesan dan kemudian bakar diatas teflon sambil diolesi bumbu olesan..
  4. Sajikan dengan sambal kecap dan lalapan..