IGA Sapi Bakar Mercon Alla Mm AnnaππππΉ.
You can cook IGA Sapi Bakar Mercon Alla Mm AnnaππππΉ using 27 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of IGA Sapi Bakar Mercon Alla Mm AnnaππππΉ
- You need 1 of Klo IGA sapi.
- It's of Bumbu halus.
- It's 15 of .Cabe rawir.
- You need 15 of .cabe merah.
- You need 7 of Bamer.
- It's 5 of .Baput.
- It's 3 of .Kemiri.
- It's 7 of .butir lada.
- Prepare 1 of )2.cm.jahe.
- You need 1 of Cm.kunyit.
- You need 1 of .Iris kembang pala cempra.
- You need iris of bumbu.
- Prepare 1 of .Bombay.
- You need 3 of .tomat kecil.
- You need of bumbu geprek.
- You need of laos.
- It's of salam.
- Prepare of sereh.
- It's of daun jeruk aku skip.
- You need of penyedap.
- You need of royco sapi sckpny.
- It's of gula jawa sckpny.
- You need of garam sckpny.
- It's of kecap manis sckp ny.
- You need of garnis.
- It's of daun jinten.
- Prepare of cabe rawit.
IGA Sapi Bakar Mercon Alla Mm AnnaππππΉ instructions
- Cuci iga lalu rebus sampai mendidih tuang ke presto lalu setelah bunyi tambah 30 menit matikan presto biarkan uap asap hilang.
- Cuci bumbu semua rebus cabai dan bamer kira kira empuk angkat tiris kan lalu ulek bersama bumbu laen ny dah geprek diatas ny laos dan serelh iris tomat dan bombay.
- Panasin minyak tumis bombay sampai layu Masukan bumbu halus dan geprek sampai harum dan mateng tambah kan tomat tambahin garam royco gula merah beri sedikit kaldu rebusan masak sampai meresap tambah kan sedikit kecap manis.
- Lalu Bisa langsung di makan karna ini iga mercon ny udah endesss bnget nampool pokok ny dan ini aku bakar sebagian soal ny ini cukup banyak porsi ny selamat makan siang,ππ·ππ.