Robar Beef Teriyaki Cheese (roti bakar). recipe cheese egg toast simple and delicious at home : - butter - egg - cheese singles cheddar - mozzarella cheese - parsley - white bread #easyrecipeRESEPMU. Roti Bakar Smoked Beef Mozarella, Favorit Banget!!! Pesan sekarang via GoFood buat buka puasa nanti #kopisusudingin #kopisusubotol #kopisusu #rotibakar #rotibakarbandung #gofood #gofoodbandung #gofoodbdg #dirumahaja.
Didn't taste much like teriyaki to me.
I think next time I'll use bottled teriyaki sauce mixed with the beef broth and cornstarch for a better taste.
I used half the beef and vegetables while making all the sauce.
You can cook Robar Beef Teriyaki Cheese (roti bakar) using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Robar Beef Teriyaki Cheese (roti bakar)
- You need of Daging Sapi Cincang (secukupnya).
- You need 1 of Bawang bombay.
- It's 6 lembar of Roti Tawar.
- You need of Butter Wijhman.
- You need of Keju cheddar.
- You need of Keju Mozarella.
- You need of Telur omlette.
I like lots of sauce for my rice. Toast is called roti bakar in Indonesia. Roti is of course bread, but bakar is usually reserved for grilled food, and no one ever grill a bread right? But weird translation aside, this combination of sandwich is one of the most popular in Indonesia.
Robar Beef Teriyaki Cheese (roti bakar) step by step
- Tumis Bawang Bombay dan Minyak Goreng sampai harum. Masukan Daging Sapi, teriyaki sauce (kikkoman) garam, merica dan gula. Tumis sampai matang dan sisihkan..
- Olesi Roti tawar dengan mentega, lalu panggang sebentar. Masukkan telur omlette, keju cheddar,Beef Teriyaki yang sudah matang keju Mozarella dan tutup dengan telur omlette dan roti tawar lagi..
- Panggang roti tawar sampai keju meleleh. Sajikan Roti bakar dengan Sauce sambal. Selamat mencoba ❤️.
Though I use hazelnut spread (such as Nutella), it is actually. The teriyaki sauce consists of soy sauce, mirin, sesame oil, fish sauce, ginger, garlic and brown sugar. Tender steak seared and glazed with a glistening teriyaki sauce. Make and enjoy London Broil beef jerky marinated in teriyaki, soy sauce, orange juice, honey, and more. Allow time for marinating and drying.